Tuesday, July 6, 2010

2nd Life

Okay, I have always thought myself to be reasonably tech saavy. I won't be creating the next I-phone but I used to think that I knew my way around a computer and it's applications pretty well. I have since learned that the former is NOT TRUE!
I AM COMPLETELY LOST IN SECOND LIFE. I have done the tutorial however I seem to wander aimlessly around. Now granted...this may be due to my being unwilling to spend any money to get 2nd Life currency. Nonetheless, I feel that I am learning 2nd Life is not for me. Out of all of the choices I thought this would be the one that may most appeal to your average Joe. It seemed to be most like real life ...not off fighting wars, creating armies or reverting to childhood doll play. I think maybe it would have been more interesting if I had chosen one of the other virtual worlds because maybe my expectations wouldn't be so high...LOL

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